Library, Ethics, & Justice Lab

The Library, Ethics, & Justice Lab, based in the Department of Information and Library Science (ILS), focuses on the importance of representation practices to the production and articulation of knowledge in multiple disciplines and domains (libraries, but also museum, scientific communities, etc.). At the core of Jutice-Lab activities is a critical approach and a deep attention to the cultural, political, ethical, and power structures at the root of all information, institutional, and representation practices as they are embedded in local and global systems. Justice-Lab is especially attuned to library environments as socially-embedded institutions. By comparing different theoretical and methodological approaches, Justice-Lab is articulating a broader (basic and foundational) cross-disciplinary framework in which to study libraries and information.
Justice-Lab takes lessons learned from these inquiries and imagines how libraries and the practices therein can better attend to the local communities in which they are embedded, while also responding to larger, global issues of concern.  Pedagogically, Jutsice-Lab supports the training and involvement of academics of all levels through research and programming on interdisciplinary projects. Justice-Lab is also committed to supporting innovative local and global pedagogical methods in support of critical and innovative library-centric work.
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Graduate Students
Former Lab Members
Jonathan Furner, Ph.D., Professor, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Information Studies